Kenny Bissett - Artist|Producer|Songwriter


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About the album

The Balancing Act is the second solo album from artist and songwriter Kenny Bissett. "This album comes from my desire to have a better balance in my life between the things I want to keep around me, and the things I want to remove. Things can be relationships, jobs, an old car you will never fix, and the list goes on. Balance comes from managing what you have in your life purposefully."


"Of all things, a big part of the musical inspiration for this album came from my Rickenbacker 12 string guitar. I was struggling to play the guitar and thought I would just sell it. Then I stumbled on a cool riff, and the sounds from this guitar are so inspiring, I just kept writing!"


"the lyrics on this album were far more thought out than I have done in the past. I like to say I don't know where my lyrics come from, but in this case, I spent time refining the lyrics and getting them just right for each song."

Recording process

"I am constantly learning new things in the studio. I spend probably too much time watching tutorials honestly, but I do learn from them and take enough with me to improve my skills. For this album I spent more time on guitars and vocals. I also focused on making the drum tracks fit better into each song."


"My goal is simple - to share my songs. At this stage of my life, the idea of "rock-star" is long gone. It's certainly an enticing endeavor, but given the state of the world and the music industry, I'm happy to write and release my own songs. I have a day job and I'm close to retirement anyway, so this is what I do to stay happy!"


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